4 Smart Recruiting Strategies to Attract Top Talents
by Perjan Duro, Founder

It's no secret that the lifeline of every company is its employees. Without an efficient workforce, no business can hope to grow or develop further. That's why every company these days strives towards hiring the best employees for the job. If the employees are productive, motivated, efficient and effective, the overall performance of a company improves tenfold.
However, finding the right employees is more difficult than it sounds. Nowadays, people seeking employment won't just settle for a good salary. As a matter of fact, people are looking for employment in companies whose culture they'll easily fit in. It's safe to say that employers must provide suitable work conditions and work environment aside from a good paycheck, in order to attract top talented employees. That being said, here are a few smart recruitment strategies to attract top talent.
Promote your company culture
As mentioned before, people seeking employment are also seeking a cultural fit. Therefore, make sure you promote your company's culture and highlight every perk your culture offers to employees. That way, you'll be able to attract talents that belong in your company, because your culture suits them best. For example, if one of the benefits of your company's culture is casual behavior that focuses on work-life balance, you'll be able to attract talents looking for an opportunity to manage both their careers and their personal lives efficiently. Nowadays, a company culture plays a vital role in the employment process. Employees who are a cultural fit will not only be able to adjust and adapt quickly, but they are also more likely to stay longer at the company.
Expand your talent pool
When seeking top talent and other valuable candidates for job openings, employers oftentimes make the mistake of focusing on their vicinity. Nowadays, modern technology has provided an opportunity for employers to expand their talent pool globally. Remote work allows companies to hire any number of people from anywhere in the world, thus enriching their workforce with great minds from around the world.
Not only that, but employers also oftentimes neglect to look for talents in obvious places. A good example is refraining from tapping into the talent pool of people with disabilities. Just because someone has a disability, it doesn't mean they have no talent or that they cannot perform exceptionally at your job position. To avoid being bias, and in order to expand your talent pool, try contacting disability employment services to discover what talents are available for your company there.
Leverage recruitment marketing
Many employers tend to get creative with their recruitment strategy. As a matter of fact, recruitment marketing is a great way to promote your company and attract talented employees. It's similar to your marketing strategy. The only difference is that you're targeting potential employees instead of potential customers. Therefore, the pitch itself and the approach is slightly different.
Basically, it comes down to developing candidate personas and finding the best ways to promote your job openings to them, which will encourage them to seek employment at your company. The similarity with a regular marketing campaign is that you'll have to leverage the same tactics, such as content marketing, email nurturing and promoting values on social media. The whole purpose is to present your company to talents in the best way possible and emphasize the values, as well as the benefits of working at your company.
Use employees as advocates
Consulting with an HR department on a recruitment strategy is a standard practice for many companies. However, HRs are not the only people who can help you with recruitment. Other employees can also become a valuable asset when it comes to recruiting new employees or attracting top talent. As a matter of fact, people seeking employment are more likely to trust what your employees are saying than take your company's word for it.
Your employees can help you create excellent and meaningful content that will encourage talents to join your organization. Not only that, but they can provide valuable advice on how to develop an effective recruitment strategy, as well as assist you with interviewing potential candidates. The more you involve your existing employees in the recruitment process, the easier it will be to find the right people for the job.
Finding the right talents for your company has become increasingly difficult. Talented employees are well aware of their value and they seek employment with companies that can appreciate their value, as well as help them show their true potential. That's why it's important not to try and attract employees with salaries alone, but instead, attract them with unique benefits and opportunities only your company can provide.