What Is New in Particular Augmented Reality?
by Perjan Duro, Founder
Particular Augmented Reality is quickly becoming the go-to-place for curated and quality AR experiences that you won't find anywhere else. We've been putting a lot of work and love into offering the best service for everyone out there to share, experience, and create AR content. Here are the highlights of the last version of the app.
Access Via Sign in with Apple
Users can now quickly and easily become Creators in Particular AR. You can do this from the Profile & Settings screen and also while previewing/trying to upload an AR experience. Create a Creator profile via Sign In With Apple and start to upload and showcase your AR creations and experiences. No need to get invited! This is a limited time offer so hurry up and don’t miss out!
Creator Profiles
All creators now have their own profiles as a new tab where they can see all their AR content with the ability to delete them. Users can also tap on a creator's name to visit their profile and see their content.
Design Improvements
Now, when a user taps the plus button, there's a completely new UI with information about what you can upload, share, or create with Particular AR.
Other Changes to Particular
- Added a new Gaming category in the quick filter
- Added supported file types as information for uploaders, currently, you can only share .usdz and .reality files as AR Experiences
- Added file sizes limit up to 10 MB top
- Added a link to join our exclusive Facebook group
- Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash
- Fixed Tutorials for AR Experience & AR Animation
- Fixed some other minor bugs
We are super proud of what we have achieved so far with Particular AR and what we are offering to every 3D modeler, designer, painter, and photographer out there, quick and easy access to Augmented Reality with no coding required!
If you haven't already, download Particular AR on iOS and start to create your first augmented reality experiences.